An average of 30% of all house robbers have either committed murder, or won't hesitate to commit murder.

Of all arrested robbers, 90% had no matric or were unemployed. The 10% who had been employed, gave up their jobs when confirming how much they could "earn" from a robbery.

Much intelligence is gathered about the target home and its residents by means of inside information supplied by domestic workers.

80% of residential robberies are committed with the help of information from employees or former employees.

The robbers will monitor the home and movements for as long as is needed to formulate a plan of attack - sometimes up to two weeks.

Most attacks occur between 19:00 and midnight as people are relaxed, busy cooking or watching TV,& security systems and beams are not activated. Robberies continue until 04:00 in the morning.

The average robber commits 103 robberies over seven years before being caught.

A staggering 97% of all robbers are armed and on average there are four members in an armed robbery gang.

Women are more often tortured or hurt during house robberies.

If you have safety measures at your home, ensure that they are in place. Test your security equipment regularly... never be complacent and think that it only happens to other people.

Source: Dr. Rudolph Zinn, School of Criminal Justice at UNISA

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Here at Syncro Security Services, we specialize in the design, development and application of CCTV, with cameras fulfilling functions from retail security to securing commercial sites and domestic properties. All our systems record onto digital recorders. These have substantial benefits for end users, from their flexibility of operation to bottom line economics. Incidents are recorded onto CD or DVD or Flash Drive.

CCTV applications:

  • Record any person entering your premises
  • Recording production lines in factories
  • Visual verification of visitors (commercial or domestic)
  • Remotely monitor a commercial site off site 24 hours a day
  • Monitor and protect stock levels
  • View live pictures from home or anywhere in the world.

Syncro Security Services specializes in linking CCTV systems to a remote monitoring control room. These systems come into their own on large and exposed sites out of hours, for example a commercial unit on a business park, where attacks by hardened criminals and petty vandals can pose real problems. In operation, cameras and detectors placed strategically around an area are linked to a RVRC (Remote Video Response Centre) ten or even hundreds of kilometres away.

In the RVRC, specially trained operators can provide 24 hour event-driven monitoring of a specified area, even issuing verbal warnings (via on-site horn speakers) to intruders. Experience suggests that this step alone is a sufficient deterrent in over 90% of incidents. Where offenders are more determined, then operators can alert the emergency services and key holders.


The value of having an intruder alarm speaks for itself.

Most insurance companies allow discounted premiums for security precautions such as having a professionally installed alarm, which clearly illustrates the fact that experts in crime trends know that alarms do indeed reduce the risk.

Furthermore, protection is not vastly expensive, certainly not compared to the misery that can result from its absence.

Syncro Security Services consider three key words to be important to their intruder alarms. They are Designed, Installed and Maintained.

  • Designed - a system designed for your own unique requirements during a visit to your business or home by one of our professional alarm surveyors.
  • Installed - a system fitted to SAIDSA (South African Intruder Detection Services Association) and governments, PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority) standards, by a trained alarm engineer.
  • Maintained - a system inspected and serviced at regular intervals by Syncro Security Services. For more info please do not hesitate to call us for a quote on maintaining your security system.

Access Control

Access control gives you control over who has access to your building.

There are different types of units that do this.

One of the most common types of units is the keypad system, comprising a user terminal with a series of numbered push buttons, or a touch sensitive pad, connected to the lock release mechanism via a control unit inside the entrance.

For added security, card entry units allow access when a pre-programmed card is introduced to the terminal and these are generally more secure, essentially because they require the physical possession of an appropriate card or fob.

Access Control Systems now allow access by recognition of a finger print (known as Biometric), there are even systems offering “Facial Recognition” that’s right it can recognise a face.

Door access applications:

  • Controlling access and movement in offices and factories
  • Screening access to high value retail outlets
  • Securing residential apartments
  • Tracking movements of staff and visitors within your premises
  • Controlling access to car parks, operating barriers or gates
  • Visual and audio verification of visitors (commercial or domestic)

Syncro Security Services specializes in the latest growing category of door access, which are proximity systems, so called because they unlock the door when a token or finger print is placed at the terminal.

This type of system which can be PC based fulfils additional needs, such as recording arrivals and departures for payroll purposes, finding out who is where in a fire or other emergency, or discovering who went where, when and for how long for investigative purposes. All tend to integrate well with other security measures such as closed-circuit television.